Category Archives: Personal

Blog-administrative and personal posts.

See me perform the Glazunov violin concerto! (DC area, Dec 15th)

On a totally personal note (a rarity for my blog, for better or for worse):

I am the soloist for the Glazunov violin concerto with the Montgomery Philharmonic, on Sunday, December 15th. (7 pm, Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church, in suburban Washington DC. Free concert, no tickets required, kids welcome.)

It’s an enormously rare opportunity to be able to play a concerto with orchestra, and I’m immensely pleased to have been asked to do so. It’s also an incredibly large investment of time to do the preparation for a performance, and thus, it would be lovely to have a larger audience. So, if you’re in the DC area, I invite you to come — it’s an all-Russian program (the other works are Rimsky-Korsakov’s “Russian Easter” Overture, and Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker suite).

For me, this is a kind of mark of reclaiming my life outside of work. I used to play semi-professionally when I lived in the Bay Area, and a brief hiatus when I moved cross-country turned into a decade-long break, the last few years of which I have pretty much done nothing but work. During 2013, I’ve tried to find a more reasonable balance between working and other things; if you’re a client of mine, you know that I’ve been much stricter about the way I schedule travel, and pushing more things to my colleagues rather than allowing myself to be as heavily over committed.

My personality doesn’t really ever allow me to just veg out, and so the other things that I do, I tend to do pretty intensively, whether it’s the violin, building Lego sets, or cycling through various games (at the moment, I’m trying to dominate my PvP bracket in Marvel Puzzle Quest). So if you’d like to see me do something in a totally different context, please do come and hear the performance!

SageCircle on Gartner blogs

SageCircle has a Q&A with Gartner regarding our new analyst blogging policies.

In case it’s not clear, the new policy is basically, “Gartner analysts get to act like the rest of the world, when it comes to social media”. Most of you probably have corporate policies that say that you can do whatever in your private life as long as you don’t break corporate confidentiality and aren’t doing anything unethical. This isn’t really any different.

The main difference is that we’re being asked to put our IT-related content on our Gartner blogs (in addition to, or instead of, on our personal blogs), so folks who want to follow us in a purely professional context can do so.


CloudPundit is my new blog. Although I’ve kept a friends-and-family personal blog for the last seven years, I’ve previously avoided posting on technology topics because I work for an IT market research company (Gartner). Recently, though, Gartner has decided to allow its analysts to participate openly in the blogosphere, so I’ve launched this blog for my thoughts on technology topics.

Strictly on-topic posts will be cross-posted to the Gartner Blog Network. Like the other analysts blogging on GBN and on our own sites, though, I’m writing this as a personal venture, for off-the-cuff musings. It’s possible that some of what I write here will eventually become real research, but what you’re going to get here is the random contents of my head.